About us
Coach Jada
Nĭ Hăo (你好) Everyone. It's so nice to once again, be able to teach, Physical Education in-person! This school year is shaping up to be amazing, and I'm looking forward to seeing new and returning "Gym-Class Superheroes."
Coach Victor
Hello friends! For those of you that may not know, I’m Victor Laoshi! This year I’ll have the pleasure of serving as one of the Physical Education Coaches. Over the past three years of working for the great community of YuYing, I have played various roles including serving as an Dedicated Aid, Office Associate, Kindergarten Teaching Fellow along with working as an Interim Pk3-K English Lead Teacher. In my spare time I enjoy biking, cooking, working out and spending quality time with family and friends.
I am truly looking forward to seeing what excitement the rest of the year holds for us all!
Best regards,
Victor Laoshi